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- You can use this tool to find article online from printed material, such as magazine, flyer, and poster. Each article has a unique Web Access No.
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- Find local business with Town Guide
- The theme of the aquarium is the "tidal ...
In the Tide Tank, visitors can observe Pacific saury in the Oyashio Tank and bonito in the Kuroshio Tank up close while passing through a triangular tunnel, the first of its kind in the world.
(0246) 73-2525環境水族館アクアマリンふくしま
- The Niigata Prefectural Museum of Histor...
The museum is built on the hillside of Sekihara, Nagaoka City, the hometown of "Kaen Earthenware," and covers a vast area of 10,000 m2. The museum introduces the history and culture of Niigata Prefect...
(0258) 47-6130新潟県立歴史博物館